Thursday, November 1, 2012


 Sorry for the pun…
I am working on the last knot now, and it really is very challenging, as I have to cut and carve to depths I can hardly reach with the chisels anymore, as ever, the rule is, where you can see, you can carve (does not apply to Michelangelo, there is a plaster cast of Michelangelo’s’ Pieta at Petacci, and there are undercuts, one can’t even look into anymore, we had long discussions as to the why and how…) I also have to make decisions which parts I want to stand free, which means more layers to cut below.
It is intensive but very enjoyable, thank good the weather has calmed down, as we had the first snow up here this week.
The clocks also went back, and the lack of daylight really is noticeable now, the sculpture looks great in the halogen lights, but it is difficult to carve and not casting the carving area in total darkness…


Finally, a view into Fantiscritti valley with the village Bedinzano, where I currently live and work